2018. január 19., péntek

[KATALIST] IFLA 2018 Congress: Call for Papers: "Art Libraries versus Their Users: Who Is Transforming Who?"

In behalf of IFLA Art Libraries Section Standing Committee:



Dear colleagues,



The IFLA Art Libraries Section invites proposals for the IFLA WLIC 2018 Open Session entitled "Art Libraries versus Their Users: Who Is Transforming Who?"


Art libraries today, like any other institution that collects and disseminates knowledge in the information era, are dealing with new challenges brought by changing societies, new technologies and... art library users. How are they coping with all these challenges? Do they simply try to catch up, or are they sometimes a step forward being ready to propose to their users something revolutionary new? Are they able to make a real impact on modern societies with what they have at their disposal  - images and texts, art documents and archives, special thematic services and virtual art collections?


See the full Call for Papers in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Russian on the IFLA WLIC 2018 website: http://2018.ifla.org/cfp-calls/art-libraries-section.


Please, feel free to spread this information!


Kindest regards,


The IFLA Art Libraries Section Standing Committee